Sunday, October 24, 2021

In Appreciation: A Note to My Pastor

Today was a big day. 

Pastor Appreciation Day at church. 

Then the celebration of our church plant’s purchase of 20 acres, the first step toward constructing our new church home. 

The first Eucharist service on that property, receiving the Body and Blood in the midst of trees and vines and untouched forest.  

And the day my daughter woke up with a stomach bug. (But that’s another story.) 

It was a big day. 

Today at the property, I briefly glanced at the crowds awaiting both the Eucharist and the holy water with which they would bless the grounds. I noticed them there, warmed and awed by the sense of community among Ascension’s people. 

But mostly I just watched this man in amazement: 

I watched as he prepared the Table, watched him smiling as he worked. I watched him continue to do what he does so well - 

Lead the people toward the vision he's been given for Church of the Ascension. 

I watched my husband, my priest and pastor do the thing he’s dreamed of doing all the years we’ve been married. Honestly, I could’ve cried with joy for him.  

It's always kind of a funny thing to be a clergy wife during Pastor Appreciation Month. He's my husband and my pastor, and I’m totally biased toward him every day of the week. I'm also doubly submitted to him in both marriage and church. And if that idea makes you itch a little, I get it. You can commiserate with the Becki of 20 years ago who shared a similar feeling. 

But the truth for me is this: It’s a light burden to submit to someone who loves you sacrificially. It’s not easy, of course. It's not natural. (Ask my mom if it's natural for me to listen to anybody no matter how well they love me.) 

But when I think of those who labor to submit to domineering, intimidating, overpowering men, I recognize submission to this man is a simpler thing. It’s an honor to follow someone who leads you in the way that’s best for you, too. And Darryl does that as both a husband and as a priest. It's a joy for all of us to be led by someone who's not in it for himself. 

So happy Pastor Appreciation Day to my husband, pastor and priest. I’m always grateful to be your wife. And I’ve never been prouder of you than I was today. 

May you continue to be blessed by the fruitfulness of Ascension, Fr. Darryl. We’re for you, and we’re with you. 


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