Sunday, July 25, 2021

Missing Mountains

If you've ever seen Phineas and Ferb, you'll understand what I mean when I say I'm 100% their mom. 

She's the mom who's supportive and loving but also distracted and busy. The mom who doesn't notice when her kids build an amusement park or a ski lodge in the backyard. The mom who's felt the cold fear of saying, "Mm-hmm, that's fine," to her kids and then realizing she has NO idea what they'd asked to do. 

And truth be told, I'm not just distracted as a mom. By nature I'm a daydreamer, a thinker, my mind always only paying half attention to wherever I am in the moment. 

But sometimes even I'm amazed by what I miss. 

Last year, Darryl was driving me to a nearby town when I looked to the left and noticed a breathtaking sight. The landscape left me in awe - rolling farmland surrounded by trees, their leaves shimmering yellow in the autumn chill, hemmed in by the WV hills in all their blue-green glory. It was an incredible, unforgettable sight. 

Sitting in the passenger's seat, I thought to myself, "I've never seen anything that beautiful here before." 

And then it hit me: 

This landscape was the very one I'd passed every weekday on my commute home from work. Five times a week for two years, I'd driven past those same fields and trees and mountains. And until I got out of the driver's seat, I'd literally never noticed them. 

I'd literally missed a mountain, guys

And really, what else is there to say about that? Except maybe this: 

When everything seems dark and hard and stressful in life
and we can't find anything to celebrate
is it maybe because we're so busy trying to move life's mountains that we forget, 
to just enjoy them

Looking around for more, 

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